Parent-Teacher Association

The PTA has been operating since the beginning of the school of Lintulaakso. The goals of the activity are to support the pupils’ growth, wellbeing and learning, to develop the interaction between the school and the homes, and to maintain a safe, supportive and pleasant school environment. The activity is based on voluntary work, and it is funded with membership fees in addition to the money raised with events we arrange.

Examples of activity we have arranged:

  • We arrange clubs for pupils.
  • We offer and arrange cultural events, such as theater plays and book writer visitors, for the pupils.
  • We arrange events for the children and their families.
  • We purchase books, magazines, sports gear and toys for the school.
  • We give out scholarships and the Hymy-statues at the end of the school year.

You are warmly welcome to join us in the PTA!

By paying the membership fee you help us in our work for the children and the school.

Here are the payment details for the membership fee:

Recipient: Lintulaakson koulun vanhemmat Ry
IBAN: FI22 1478 3000 7132 76
Reference: 1012
Amount: 15 €/family

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